Lab Presença is a studio founded by creative technologists with a focus on experiences for IMMERSIVE MARKETING, creative economy projects, exhibitions and events.

Our solutions start from the potential of engagement of immersive media (virtual reality and augmented reality), spatial computing and interactive spaces that combine body and technology resources.

With our expertise in presence, interaction and storytelling, we carry out projects for visionary companies, producers of the industry and creative economy that aim to impact, attract and engage their audience as agents of their purposes. 

Our purpose is to connect the audience to brands and regenerative, cultural and impact projects by exploring the potential of engagement of presence experiences, in a world thirsty for meaningful experiences.


Engaging and even exciting, the human-centered design of virtual experiences based on the power of presence and multisensory storytelling sharpens our creativity, generating a sense of belonging and taking human perception where we never imagined. 


When we communicate ideas through virtual, augmented reality and in immersive-interactive installations, technology becomes the interface for human expressive presence. Emotions, feelings, and creative actions can be linked to the purpose of companies and become amazing marketing strategies for the release of new products.



We are a creative studio specialized in presence experiences with immersive media. We plan with the client the best way to make their brand memorable.

We design immersive solutions in stories and intelligent, intuitive and impactful systems, based on the brand's purposes and each immersive marketing action.

Through the creative and strategic excellence generated by the fusion of art, science, and technology, we achieve what is essential in immersive experiences to leverage engagement and catalyze consumer sensitivity and a sense of belonging. 


Being present is being in action! It is how we express ourselves in the experiences of life, which can be a story, a game, or a new way of creating.

 Interaction is related to expressive presence in different interfaces which requires many levels of awareness from natural movement to coded reactions.

Immersion is the result of merging our body in multi-sensorial environments where technical and expressive resources from different fields of arts and design are combined to produce unique stories, sensations, and feelings.

In immersive realities, presence emerges as a lasting, often collaborative, educational, and creative engagement of the public.



Augmented reality experiences enable countless narrative and interactive combinations for immersive marketing campaigns and for new ways of product visualization, adding value to the brand and to the novelties it launches in the market.

Our AR solutions enhance the product experience, surprising, instigating and educating at the same time.


The most immersive media is always an invitation to explore new stories, with relevant messages, and resources aimed at enhancing sensoriality.

That’s why we start our creation process from the movement of the interactor to extended storytelling and content towards expressive embodiment. 

VR is a potent medium to thrill and enhance engagement, especially in communicating about impactful purposes and causes, such as the sustainable development. Immersive technologies promote the elevation of the senses of empathy, acting in the discovery of new modes of expression and dialogue mainly in the social fields of creative economy, culture and science.


Interactive spaces are hybrids of scenography and audiovisual projections, allowing immersions in images and universes through sensing technologies that invite interaction and audiovisual resources that enchant our sentience.
Interaction activated by sensors and other immersive resources can be designed and installed in exhibition spaces for education, museums, and in stands of companies or new products in events of different areas.

We build immersive environments designed around storytelling capabilities that enhance VR and AR experiences, as well as interactive designs.

We believe that immersion is rooted in both virtual and physical space and is deeply related to how people are comfortable and entertained in real space.

We create flexible spaces integrated with virtual experiences because we know how to instigate an exciting and true engagement.

This is the perfect combination to increase presence and build confidence.


Academy is a ongoing educational initiative where we offer didactic solutions and experiences investigations about the technical and creative universe of immersive media, sensing technologies and creative computing for presence experiences.

Através de consultorias, cursos e mentorias, nós utilizamos dinâmicas laboratoriais para expandir a produção de presença através de imersão e interação. 

Some of our courses and mentorships:


Introduction to Virtual and Augmented Reality

Introduction to Sound Computing

Creative computing for immersive applications  

Performance and cast preparation for virtual and augmented reality

Instrumentalization of sounds through real-time capture of human movements


XR ScriptDoctoring - project development

Embodiment techniques for XR

Creative Computing for Designers and Artists

Sound computing

To find out more about the courses, dates of completion, mentorships and exclusive courses. contact us via




Creative Director + Screenwriter + Embodiment specialist + Producer

C.B. is a multi-artist dedicated to producing experiences for the restoration of presence. She merges her experiences as a creative director, screenwriter, performer, and researcher In extended reality and intermedia performance projects. With expertise in human-to-digital interfaces, she creates characters and directs casting from preparation to diverse motion capture techniques. She leads creative teams to carry out projects with new formats and messages, aiming to leverage the transforming power of technologies in immersive experiences combining creativity with scientific research. She presented her intermedia performances in Singapore, United States, for online festivals in Mexico and her documentaries went through festivals all over the world. In 2023 she participates in the New Frontier Incubation Program – at the Sundance Film Festival, as the only Brazilian artist among filmmakers and creative technologists from around the world. Carol Berger is graduated in Social Communication (UFSM) and holds a master's in Documentary Film at the Universidad del Cine (AR). Ph.D. in Poetics in Audiovisual Arts at CTR/ECA/USP. He has a Postdoctoral research at the Department of Performing Arts at the University of São Paulo, with a thesis entitled #DigitalSelfPresencaLab: embodying new technologies for the restoration of presence, where he created media art and extended reality with a focus on embodiment. From 2016 to 2020 she collaborated as an associate researcher at the @labartemidia and also at ECA/USP.


Creative Tech lead + Sound + interaction

Tiago was a doctoral student in Computing and Human Movement at the Université Bretagne Sud (France), is a Master in Physics (UFSC-SC), a specialist in Digital Games (PUC-PR), studied Musical Composition (UEM-PR) and taught disciplines in the field of digital games at Fatenp-SC. As a creative, his main instruments are the 7-string guitar, voice, and computer. In creative computing and multidisciplinary applications, we can cite the Elemental, a musical instrument that realistically synthesizes and embodies atmospheric sounds through the movement of the performer, published in New Interfaces for Music Expression 2020; the SoMo – musical instrument with visual feedback from video-captured motion, published at the Symposium of the Brazilian Computer Music Society 2015, and performed by Mhirley Lopes with the group R.I.S.C.O; and the interactive installation Limiar (Atelier Digital – O Sítio), among others. In 2022 he was a finalist at two important national (Brazil) music contests: the eFestival and Fampop, with the instrumental theme “Quanto Dura uma Fita de Viola em Tempo de Reis?”. Among courses and workshops taught, we can highlight several workshops on Processing; Creative Computing Course (O Sítio, Florianópolis-SC, 2017); several workshops on Computer Music with Pure Data, such as MIS-SC, 2016 (1st R.I.S.C.O.); conference for master’s students in the lab. IRISA, Université Bretagne Sud, France, 2018 and Instrumentalization of Sounds from Human Movement Captured by Cell Phone – latin-american art residency SomaRumor 2021.



João (Jom) Monnazzi is a composer, music producer and audio engineer. Head at the production company Monn Custom Audio. He Works from preproduction (composition and arrangement), through production (capture and recording) and post (editing, mixing and mastering). He is our sound spatialization specialist for virtual reality and 360 film projects.


R o n a l do P a l m a is a musician and music producer . He creates sound tracks for films and dance projects, performances, and theater, as well as composing music for his authorial projects Pele de Asno e Monte Blanco. He is the author of the soundtrack for the Virtual Ritual project and a large part of the performance works of our creative director.


Lamanna is a 3D generalist, focusing on editing, animation, and special effects. With us, he created the scenography and the avatars for Virtual Ritual 360 film. He works extensively with construction companies, producing animated electronic models to simulate construction methods. He develops post-production solutions and special effects in VR productions.



+55 11 998185388
Rod. José Carlos Daux
SC401, 4120 – km 4